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Manuels scolaires québécois > Sources imprimées
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[Lachlan, Robert]. Remarks on the state of education in the province of Quebec; being a reprint of two articles which appeared in the British American journal of medical & physical science for january & march 1848. Montreal, J. C. Becket, 1848. 72 p. ISBN 0-665-34103-2.

[Pour illustrer son opposition à l'utilisation de manuels américains, Lachlan reproduit un extrait d'un rapport du surintendant de l'instruction pour le Haut-Canada dans lequel Egerton Ryerson fait état des reproches adressés à son organisme].

"I believe the real objection is rather against that with which the Board has been identified, namely, the prohibition of United States School Books in our common Schools.

[p. 17]

It seems to be supposed that if there were no Board of Education to recommend books to be used in Schools, there would be no exclusion of American Books from the schools.

The fact, however, is that American Books, unless permitted by the Board, are excluded by the 30th section of the Statute; whereas the Board of Education is constituted by the 3d Section.

In regard to the exclusion of American Books from our Schools, I have explained, as I have had opportunity, that it is not because they are foreign books simply that they are excluded, although it is patriotic to use our own in preference to foreign publications; but because they are, with very few exceptions, anti-British, in every sense of the word.

They are unlike the School Books of any other enlightened people, so far as I have the means of knowing. The School Books of Germany, France, and Great Britain, contain nothing hostile to the institutions, or derogatory to the character of any other nation. I know not a single English School Book in which there is an allusion to the United States, not calculated to excite a feeling of respect for their inhabitants and Government. It is not so with American School Books. With very few exceptions, they abound in statements and allusions prejudicial to the institutions and character of the British nation."

[p. 18].

Meilleur, Jean-Baptiste. Rapport du surintendant d'éducation pour le Bas-Canada, pour l'année 1847. Montréal, Lovell et Gibson, 1848. 177 p.

[Le rapport de 1847 reprend textuellement la recommandation no 4 du rapport de 1845-46]:

"4° Rien ne peut [...] d'en recommander, dans l'occasion, l'établissement." (p. 93-94).

[Meilleur suggère un modèle de rapport des activités scolaires que les commissaires devraient lui expédier; ce modèle comporte une colonne intitulée]:

"Livres dont on se sert" (p. 166).

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